Commercial Moving

Office furniture management and installation: Advice from the pros

For most offices, files and furniture take up most of the place on moving trucks.

That’s why it makes sense to start your office or business relocation process with a good hard look at your office furniture and filing needs, and asking questions like:

  • Do you need it all? For example, if you’re going from desks to cubicles you can save money by not moving all those desks. Don’t pay to move what you don’t need.
  • How will your office furniture be protected? You’ll want to ask your moving and storage partner about all the steps they take to protect your chairs, desks, shelves, credenzas, and other valuable furniture. That way you won’t have to pay to replace or repair damaged furniture. (An aside: Have those other companies ever moved the desk of a Supreme Court Justice? JK Moving has!)
  • Can your existing furniture be restored? Moving is the perfect time to refurbish old office furniture and make it shine again. Ask your moving and storage partner if they offer this value-added service.
  • Is storage available? Many businesses move in phases, which can result in short-term storage needs for office furniture. Ask your moving and storage partner about secure storage and what it costs.
  • How about assembly and installation? If you’re going modular, make sure you have a professional partner who can plan, assemble and install to meet your needs.
  • Can you address your file storage needs? When you’re getting ready to relocate offices, you can ask your moving and storage partner what kind of archiving or digital storage plan they offer. These solutions can greatly reduce the number of files you move.