Commercial Moving

Streamline your move with JK's Commercial App

Commercial move manager meeting with client

Moving can be a hectic time when papers can be easily misplaced, especially moving work orders. To help streamline our customers’ experience, we are introducing our JK Commercial App, which fully digitizes all parts of a commercial move.

To keep you more informed about your move, our crew members collect and share real-time details with the JK Commercial App. Our crew members are issued tablets with the JK Commercial App, which integrates both our moving services and our IT disconnect and reconnect services, to give you up-to-minute details of your move.

Additionally, the JK Commercial App allows you to sign all forms electronically and every form is emailed to you after every move sequence is completed. Supported by JK’s commitment to the environment, the JK Commercial App eliminates an estimated 150,000 sheets of paper

At a glance
At-a-glance view of the move

annually, reducing our carbon footprint and eliminating waste in landfills.

How JK’s Commercial App can help you:

  • Stay informed – with JK’s Commercial App, you have reliable, trackable information at your fingertips.
  • Save time — eliminate the need for copying or filing various forms and documents.
  • Be good to the environment — by using the JK Commercial App, you’ll be helping to save nearly 150,000 pieces of paper from landfills annually