Residential Moving

International moving safety and security

It’s hard to watch your belongings go off into the sunset, knowing that you won’t see them again until you’re a half a world away.

Your belongings may traverse an entire ocean so JK takes extra international moving safety measures to ensure that your things arrive intact:

  • Packing. Our full-time, fully trained crews know how to pack your belongings for an overseas trip. They will treat your possessions as if they were their own.
  • An itemized list. We tag everything, and provide you with an itemized list for easy tracking of your belongings.
  • Special containers and crates. We build our own wooden containers in-house to ensure maximum durability and protection. We offer standard sizes, as well as custom containers to ship just about anything.
  • Special locking system. JK utilizes a heavy duty, U-Line locking system on containers, ensuring a high level of security for your belongings while in transit.

International moving safety container lock






OTI services performed by JK Moving & Storage, Inc., d/b/a JK Moving Services.
