Residential Moving

Tips for moving in the rain

There’s not much you can do to control the weather. Even when the weather forecast predicts sunny skies, you may be hit with unexpected showers on the day of your move. When that happens, the most you can do is make the best of the situation.

Below are some tips and advice on moving when it starts to pour. While some of the tips may seem obvious, they might not be at the forefront of your mind on a stressful day of moving, when you’re probably scrambling at the last minute!

1. Plastic-wrap your items

The rain will harm anything that can be damaged by water. So, if you have items to put in the truck that aren’t in boxes, wrap them in plastic to keep them safe. Instead of using a cotton sheet to cover furniture, use plastic instead – as it will repel water and protect your things instead of soaking up the rain.

Here are some more tips for protecting your belongings:

  • Put clothes and paper in trash bags – it’s not pretty, but it gets the job done.
  • Wrap art in plastic wrap. Bubble wrap works, too!
  • Cover furniture with thick comforters if plastic isn’t an option. They can repel light rain for a short amount of time.
  • Buy shrink wrap for especially valuable items that should not get wet at all.

2. Rain gear is your new best friend.

Your belongings aren’t all that need protecting during a wet move, you also need to protect yourself. A slick, wet ground is an accident waiting to happen, so you’ve got to think ahead. Wearing non-slip shoes is a must!

moving in the rain - bootsHere are some other rainy day moving supplies that can be helpful:

  • Rain coats and rain boots
  • Umbrellas
  • Hats/baseball caps
  • A change of clothes

3. Arrive before the movers.

By getting to your new home before the movers, you’ll have some time to prepare and make the day run smoothly. Here are a few ways you can prep your house for a rainy move:

  • Lay down a rug for people to wipe their feet on (towels work, too).
  • Turn on the heat to remove moisture from the air.
  • Set out plenty of old towels so people can dry off (and dry off items).
  • Lay down dry cardboard boxes to act as an anti-slip surface.

4. Start an assembly line.

Setting up an assembly line will make it so fewer people have to move from point A to point B, which is ideal in the rain. A few people can move boxes into the house from the garage, and others can be stationed inside to unpack.

If you set up stations that require specific tasks, you’ll have less people in and out of the house – which makes for less water tracked in, and less risk of falling.

More quick tips on moving in bad weather:

  • Unload boxes in one area, preferably the garage (if you have one).
  • Set up a pop-up tent near the end of the moving truck.
  • When the rain is at its heaviest, move the most durable items.

5. Don’t wait to deal with water.

If you have an extra person, assign them the job of cleaning up water to lessen the amount of puddles. The more you clean as you go, the less you’ll have to clean later.

Some tips to manage moisture:

  • Wipe items down as soon as they come inside.
  • Unpack soggy boxes first.
  • Dry off anything inside the boxes that could become damaged.

6. For after the move…

Before you rush into the rest of your moving duties, give yourself some time to unwind. Although it might be tempting to dive right into everything that’s left to do, it’s important to give yourself a breather. This way, you won’t get overwhelmed in the long run.

Moving in the rain definitely isn’t the most pleasant thing in the world, but with these tips, it is manageable. If you have questions about the moving process, get in touch with JK Moving for answers.
